
Track and Manage Your Vehicle Portfolio

Fleet Management is a software solution from ARCHIBUS Solution Center Romania, which allows you to record and track a specific vehicle or a group of vehicles. This solution can be easily added to any Archibus project. 

Fleet Management Solution allows you to handle all information about your vehicles, manage your drivers and other necessary procedures when it comes to handling your fleet.

Fleet Management


Vehicles' General Details

Allocation History

Accidents and Repairs

Vehicle Leasing Contracts

Legal Requirements (Periodical Inspections, Vignette, Insurance)

Route Sheets and Mileage Reports

Drivers' Management

Drivers' Position History and Fines

RAG Score - Integration with MixTelematics

Drivers' Documents Expiration Alerts

Handover Protocols

Pool Car Reservations - Integration with Deister Key Cabinet

And more...

Implementation instructions

Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Technical Requirements

Coming soon.


Archibus Solution Center Romania

Founded in 2007, ARCHIBUS Solution Center-Romania leads the Integrated Workspace Management System market in Romania. Currently, the company is responsible for ARCHIBUS Business Development and Support for Romania and the entire region, comprising: TURKEY, BULGARIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, MOLDAVIA, SLOVENIA, MACEDONIA, KOSOVO, BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA, GREECE.

If you manage real-estate projects, properties, commercial centers or you are responsible with Corporate Space Planning, Facility Management, Maintenance of building and equipment or Sustainability and Risk Management, ARCHIBUS Solution Center-Romania can provide you with an effective tool to reach your strategic objectives.

Fleet Management


Get an overview of all your vehicles, from allocation history to documentation to repairs costs and much more.

Never miss anything important - allocate and track legally required documents, get reports and alerts about legal requirements expiration.

Know your vehicles' history: accidents, repairs, leasing contracts, etc.

Data is important: get reports about costs, fleet utilization, allocation history, leases by expiration date, document presence and more.

Know your drivers and their history: position, fines, RAG (Red-Amber-Green) score.

Know your drivers and their history: position, fines, RAG (Red-Amber-Green) score.

Set-up fees and Monthly prices can be found in the ASCHS Customer Portal

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